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Damodar Valley Corporation
Sector: Power | Category: Other| Summary of Activities:DVC achieved Thermal Generation of 35691 MU T FY 201718. highesb ever since inception and surpassing CEA target of B4475 MU for FY 2017-18. DVO achieved highest ever daily generation of 130.76 MU on 2605.18 DVO achieved highest ever peak Ex-bus generation of 5441 MW on 31.03.18 at 19.5 hrs. DVC achieved highest ever monthly generatibn of 3654 MU in the month of Mar 18 Koderma TPS of DVC achieved APC of 4.21 % in the month of Dec 17 which is best APC ever achieved by any 500 MW DV TPS|R&D Backup: In-house